Monday, January 26, 2009

A Talk to Remember

Last night, I talked to my uncle about my worries (if you read my blog 'Need A Therapist', you know what I mean). Not just that. I told him my problem in academics, problem in our house (I'm not referring to our house, literally, I'm talking about my mom). I told him the things that were 'eating' me. I nearly cried, but I tried my best to fight back the tears because I didn't want him or my aunt to see me crying. My voice was trembling because of I felt the lump on my throat. And I got frequent pauses because I didn't want him to notice that. He, in return, gave me pieces of advice, gave reasons why such things happen and told me to widen up my understanding a little bit.

Luckily, I told him all of it. I made sure that I didn't miss a thing. And it made me feel comfortable.
I realized that if you tell someone your problems, it lightens up your load.
I feel relieved... I'm floating in the air!

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