Monday, January 26, 2009

Need a Therapist

I wish things in my life could change right here, right now. I wish I could free myself from worries. But all of those were only wishes.
God! I want a life that is carefree! I'm tired of thinking how to get rid of my problems. But I just can't avoid it.
A friend of mine always tell me I shouldn't consume my mind thinking of them and just be happy. Probably she's right. However, I can't be happy if there are still unsolved problems. Being joyful, I think, is but an escape. But I thank her for giving me such advice.

Currently, I'm worried of my cousin. She's close to me. We always talk of everything under the of our views in life and our plans in the future.
But last last night after school, she didn't talk to me. She got cold (if you know what I mean) and I'm not 'manhid' not to recognize that. I told her about Katkat's jokes but didn't give a damn. She acted like she didn't care about it and pretended she heard nothing at all. That annoyed me. I was (and still am) very upset about it.
Ive got a share of problems in school and it seems like she wants to add up in my burden. And I really, really hate it...


Vanilla said...

Finding happiness is finding truth for me.
Truth being the pinnacle of contentment, thus, also being the pinnacle of Happiness.
How can one be truly happy if one leads a life full of dissatisfaction?
Learn HOW to be happy.
Not just the word itself.
...and if you still haven't done so, just keep on searching. You'd be surprised how it's been there with you all along.

Life is a bitch so don't fret if it is with you. I'd be surprised if it goes otherwise. :/

Learn when and what things to accept, no matter how fucked up it may be. How wise is a man who spends his entire life rejecting all the forces in life only to look back and see how far he has fallen?

Assume nothing.
Expect little.
Do more.
Need less.
Smile often.
Sleep long.
Dream big.
Laugh a lot.
Pray always.
Once in a while, cry...
And continue living.

DIANE said...

To my readers, there's a typo error in my blog. It should be this way: We talk of everything under the sun.
Sorry, I was a bit tired and sleepy when I typed it tha's why I didn't see the error.

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