Sunday, May 17, 2009

Go For Adam Lambert!

Hurrey for Adam!
Boo for Kris!
Yeah, that's right- I am giving my all out support for Adam Lambert. Although I am not that interested to this season of American Idol compared to last season, I still want to give my bet.

Adam puts 'artistry'(like what Kara use to say) in every song that he sings and he's also a 'true genius' according to Kara, so I have my two hands clapping and 'bumping' for him.

Kris Allen for me is a good performer but not enough to make me shout and jump on my seat. He's BORING and too typical. I believe that Danny was eliminated because Kris got more of the looks than style.

Yeah, Kris is cute but let's face the fact that in American Idol, we're not searching for good-looking person but a talented person. And whoever says that Adam is not cute, he/she better go to EO (Executive Optical).

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